My Biography

Hey, I’m Jason Polan, the guy behind My journey with World of Warcraft started way back during the ‘Vanilla’ days, and it’s been an epic ride ever since. Growing up in New York City, I found an incredible escape and adventure within the lands of Azeroth. Let me take you on a tour through my life, my passion for WoW, and the reasons behind starting my blog.

Early Passion for Gaming

My fascination with video games began when I was just a kid. I vividly remember the first time I booted up my PC and stepped into the world of Azeroth. It was during the ‘Vanilla’ era, and I was immediately hooked. The expansive world, the rich lore, the camaraderie with fellow players – it all felt so real and immersive. I spent countless hours exploring, questing, and forging friendships that have lasted to this day.

Academic and Professional Journey

As I grew older, my passion for gaming didn’t wane. I pursued a degree in Computer Science from NYU, driven by a desire to understand the technical aspects behind these incredible games. My studies provided me with a solid foundation in programming, game design, and digital media. I dove deep into the world of game development, learning everything I could about creating immersive experiences like the ones I cherished in WoW.

Career in the Gaming Industry

Throughout my career, I’ve worn many hats in the gaming industry. From developer to content creator, I’ve had the privilege of working on various projects that have enriched my understanding of what makes games truly special. But no matter where my professional journey took me, I always found myself returning to World of Warcraft. There was something about its world, its community, and its ever-evolving nature that kept me coming back for more.


Launching was a dream come true. I wanted a platform where I could share my experiences, strategies, and insights with fellow WoW players. My blog is a labor of love, a space where I can pour my passion for the game into detailed guides, in-depth analyses, and personal stories. Whether you’re looking for raid strategies, PvP tips, or lore discussions, you’ll find it all here.

Helping Players of All Levels

One of the main reasons I started my blog was to help players of all skill levels. When I first started playing WoW, I often found myself overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information available. I wanted to create a resource that would make the game more accessible and enjoyable for everyone, from newbies to seasoned veterans. My guides are meticulously researched and written with the goal of providing clear, concise, and actionable advice.

Sharing Personal Adventures

But my blog isn’t just about guides and strategies. It’s also a place where I share my personal journey through Azeroth. I write about my adventures, the friendships I’ve formed, and the lessons I’ve learned along the way. World of Warcraft has given me so much more than just entertainment; it’s taught me about teamwork, perseverance, and the importance of community.

Building a Community

Speaking of community, one of the most rewarding aspects of running has been connecting with fellow WoW enthusiasts. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of meeting and interacting with players from all walks of life. The WoW community is incredibly diverse and passionate, and I’m grateful to be a part of it. Through my blog, I aim to foster a space where players can connect, share their experiences, and support one another.

Dedication to Content Creation

Running a blog takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but it’s a labor of love. I spend countless hours researching, writing, and creating content that I hope will resonate with my readers. Every comment, every piece of feedback, and every interaction with my audience motivates me to keep going. Knowing that my work has helped someone enjoy the game a little more or overcome a challenging raid is incredibly rewarding.

More Than Just a Game

For me, World of Warcraft is more than just a game; it’s a community. It’s a place where people can come together, forge friendships, and create lasting memories. Through my blog, I aim to give back to this community that has given me so much. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting your journey in Azeroth, I hope my content can provide you with valuable insights and a sense of belonging.

Thank You

Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to learn more about me and my journey. Let’s continue to explore Azeroth together, uncovering new adventures and making great memories along the way. Whether you’re here for the guides, the stories, or the camaraderie, I’m thrilled to have you as part of our community. Together, let’s make the most of our time in this incredible game and celebrate the unique experiences that World of Warcraft offers.